When it comes to renovations, additions and new municipal facilities, Talley & Smith is the perfect choice. Our experience includes schools, town halls, police departments, fire departments, and other municipal facilities. We provide modern, adaptable design solutions for any municipality. We have unique access to a wide range of consultants that are experienced in various specialized municipal buildings.
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A new elementary school on an undeveloped site. This efficient design gained the school system 2 classrooms more than the original program required and the final construction cost was $109,000 under budget. The floor plan provides easy access to the core areas from all of the classrooms and there are no dead end corridors or remote classroom wings. Special attention was also given to allowing for after-school and community use of the media center, gym and cafeteria while preventing access to the classrooms.
Description Coming Soon
A new fire station with three truck bays, offices, workshop, kitchen, day room, and sleeping quarters. Special features include a sprinkler system and a transfer switch for connecting an emergency generator.<
Description Coming Soon